Kimmery Martin Kimmery Martin is an emergency medicine doctor whose works of medical fiction have been praised by The Harvard Crimson, People, Newsweek and The New York Times. She completed her medical training at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and now lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she honors her passion for public libraries by serving on the Board of Trustees of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and chairing the management committee of the flagship children’s library.
Additionally, Kimmery teaches Narrative Medicine at the local medical school and authors a column on Substack covering medical disinformation, parenting, humor, and social topics. She is a frequent speaker at libraries, conferences, medical schools, and bookstores around the United States. Her most recent novel, Doctors and Friends, received starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal, and Booklist.
Kimmery Martin won her first short story contest in the first grade, and was awarded a red stuffed elephant and publication in the school newspaper. Her writing career then suffered an unfortunate dry spell, finally broken with the publication of the enthralling journal article Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in the Staging of Melanoma, followed by the equally riveting sequel Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Pelvic Malignancies, both during medical school.
Conscious readers remained elusive, however, prompting her to wait another decade or so before trying again. This time, spurred on by a dubious but supportive husband and three constantly interfering children, she produced an entire novel. The Queen of Hearts, exploring the startling secrets in a friendship between a cardiologist and a trauma surgeon, became an instantly beloved classic amongst three of her friends. It was published by Penguin Random House in 2018 to considerable acclaim. Her second novel, The Antidote For Everything, released in February 2020, and her third, Doctors and Friends, will be out November 9, 2021.
When not writing, Kimmery spends her time mothering her slew of perfect children. She’s also occupied with poorly executed household chores, working as a physician, and serving on various non-profit boards in Charlotte, North Carolina. She exercises grudgingly, cooks inventively, reads voraciously, offers helpful book recommendations, interviews authors, publishes travel articles, and edits her son's middle grade book reviews. Finally, she is a world-class Boggle champion, which most people find to be sexy beyond all description.
Interviews With Kimmery
Tall Poppy Writers
Radio, Podcasts, & Televsion
Oddcast Podcast with Sheri Lynch
DIY MFA with Gabriela Pereira
WOCA Gainesville The Source Radio
The John Hines Show CBS Minneapolis
Southbound with Tommy Tomlinson: WFAE/NPR
Writing Fun with Michelle Dunton
Six Picks: Read It Forward