The World's Worst Advice for Writing Fiction
Let’s be honest: I am not a trained writer. I don’t have an MFA or a background in journalism or even an English major. So it might amaze...

An Irony You Can't Invent. And Also: Casturbation for The Antidote for Everything
PJ: Dear Reader, I know The Antidote for Everything swept you off your feet. Kimmery is a wicked talent and her writing oozes clever...
Jonah's Song
I know I knew I went I came I turned the corner and called your name I searched for fire, for love, for life I heard your voice through...

Kimmery’s Top Ten Tips For A Good First Draft
Our topic this week is first drafts, and let’s be honest: I am not a trained writer. I don’t have an MFA or a background in journalism or...

Inside Kimmery's Brain: Deadline Edition
One week until article about deadlines is due. No problem; is loads of time. Would start immediately, except, much like childbirth, you...

Kimmery's Dream Book
Remember that summer when everyone was surreptitiously reading Fifty Shades of Grey on their Kindles, eyes darting shiftily as they tried to

How To Love Researching Your Novel
Most of the time—to my surprise—I look forward to writing my weekly post for The Debutante Ball. This week, however, I dreaded it. This...

The Call: It Doesn’t Always Go Like You’d Think
When I was an aspiring author, I read every query letter success story I could get my hands on. There was a common theme to these essays,...

When Kimmery Gets Distracted
Today’s topic is Writing Through Distraction, which I feel eminently qualified to discuss because my God, it is freakishly cold in here....

Kimmery’s 2018 Writing Resolution Checklist
I typically don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, on the theory that I’m more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants girl (a pantser, as we dorks...