Ella Biber Reviews THE GILDED GIRL by Alyssa Colman
Please welcome Ella Biber, my returning junior partner! Ella is a seventh grader and an avid reader.

New YA Fiction: Elle Boyle Reviews The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
“Fat moths the size of palms wreathed my hair like pearls and moonstones. And then, as I had done since before language burgeoned in the...

The Unfortunate Importance of Beauty by Amanda Filipacchi
I LOVED this book. I was therefore mystified when I looked it up on Goodreads and discovered a whole lot of people trashing it with the...

The Regulars by Georgia Clark
This is not a book afraid of a little raunch. Or a lot of raunch, actually. I had no idea what it was about when I downloaded it—I do...