Kimmery's List of Man-Books
A friend recently suggested I should compile a list of book recommendations for Father’s Day gifts. Owing to extreme domestic dysfunction...

Pirate Hunters: Treasure, Obsession, and the Search for a Legendary Pirate Ship by Robert Kurson
Anyone want to take a guess as to the approximate time period of the Golden Age of pirates? If you guessed 1650–1720 then you’re...

Kimmery’s All-Time Favorite Books, Part 1
My household got slaughtered last week by a vicious, soul-sucking GI virus similar to Ebola. I zombied around without sleep for 898...

Where the Bodies Were Buried: Whitey Bulger and the World That Made Him by T.J.English
In a recent conversation, T.J. English, the lauded journalist/author, asked me what I knew about Whitey Bulger. Prior to reading...

Multiple Review: The Heist, How To Build A Girl, and Young Money
This week I did not have anything to recommend wholeheartedly, so here are a few mini-reviews of some books I just read. They are...