The World's Worst Advice for Writing Fiction
Let’s be honest: I am not a trained writer. I don’t have an MFA or a background in journalism or even an English major. So it might amaze...

An Irony You Can't Invent. And Also: Casturbation for The Antidote for Everything
PJ: Dear Reader, I know The Antidote for Everything swept you off your feet. Kimmery is a wicked talent and her writing oozes clever...

How To Love Researching Your Novel
Most of the time—to my surprise—I look forward to writing my weekly post for The Debutante Ball. This week, however, I dreaded it. This...

The Debutante Ball and the Princess
At my wedding, my sister told a story of how we used to play a game when we were little called The Princess and the Servant. In this game...

A Celebration and a Smackdown: An Update on The Queen of Hearts
I was contemplating the time course of novel-publishing the other day, after someone asked me an interview question about how long it...

What Happens When You Write A Book, Part I
T-minus 10 months until my book is published and I am officially transformed from nerdy reader to nerdy writer. (February 6th, 2018!...

My Novel Has A New Title...
Our long national nightmare has finally drawn to a close. No, not that nightmare. I'm talking about the one where me and four other...

Lunch with Book People
Last week was the most exciting week of my life. At noon, I slipped out of the conference I was attending in Midtown Manhattan and walked...

Kimmery on ... Writing
Let me tell you something that changed my life. I've always been kind of an idiot savant when it comes to reading. I like everything:...