My Junior Partner Ella Biber Reviews The Land of Stories

Please welcome Ella Biber, my newest junior partner! Ella is a third grader and an avid reader. When she’s not swimming or playing with her friends and family, she’s curled up devouring the latest book series. I am thrilled to have her book recommendations!
The Land of Stories: Beyond the Kingdoms (Book #4)
by Chris Colfer
I liked this book because Alex and Connor Baily are always up to something – either saving the world or chasing a bad guy. I’m on the edge of my seat every time I read their stories.
I liked when Alex and Conner traveled inside different books recruiting an army to save the world while they tried chasing an evil villain. You won’t believe who the villain is!
I would recommend this book because Alex and Connor are so brave – they risk their lives and are nice to their friends while they are doing it. I think both boys and girls would LOVE this book.
I love the whole Land of Stories series because all of the books are so intriguing and exciting. The second book in the series, “The Enchantress Returns”, and the last book, “The Worlds Conclude”, are my favorite.